
9SW Award Nominations

With half of the Lions year gone it is time to think about the Lions you know who have really been doing great things in your clubs and in the district. Please consider carefully and nominate the Lion you feel should be honored. There are forms for these nominations in the email and they need to be returned to the proper individual by the date listed in this chart at the end of this email.  I know we have great clubs and great Lions in 9SW and I think they should be recognized at the state level. Thanks for your input.

Gary Glockhoff, 9SW District Governor

The year is almost half over and that means that convention season is right around the corner!

It’s time to honor Lions who have gone above and beyond in your clubs and nominate them for awards.

Here is a list of the following awards.

Lions may be nominated for multiple awards. Criteria is below:

State Award – “Bud Klise Leadership Award”

PID Norm Dean established the Klise Leadership Award in 1989. The award is to honor the memory of Past International Director G. E. “Bud” Klise of Stockport, Iowa in District 9X4.

The purpose of the award is to honor the memory of PID Klise and to recognize an Iowa Lion who has demonstrated outstanding leadership ability at any level of Lionism, Club, District, Multiple District or International. 

Any club or individual may submit nominations. This is a state award not a district award. Nominations are due by February 28th.

State Award – “Ralph A. Whitten Award”

The Ralph A. Whitten Award is presented in honor of the memory of PID Ralph Whitten from Urbandale.

This award is in recognition of DEMONSTRATED SERVICE at any level, club, district, and multiple districts.

Any club or individual may submit nominations. This is a state award not a district award. Nominations are due by February 28th.

State Award – “Spark Plug Award”

A spark plug starts an engine and keeps it in motion. The Spark Plug Award honors Lions who give that same spark to a Lions’ project, club or district.

Its purpose is to recognize and encourage emerging Lion leaders for their energy, creativity and inspiration to others.

This award is to recognize and honor our emerging – not current or past – leaders.

All District 9SW Nomination Forms for the Lions of Iowa “Spark Plug” Award must be submitted to District Governor Gary Glockhoff by February 15. DG Gary’s team will select a District 9SW winner and forward that winner’s Nomination Form to Ardie Klemish by February 28. 

AWARDPostmark Due DateSend Completed Nomination Form To
G.E. “Bud” Klise LEADERSHIP Award
(State award)
February 28, 2025PID Judy Hankom
705 2nd Ave SE
Hampton, IA 50441
Ralph A. Whitten SERVICE Award
(State award)
February 28, 2025PID Gary Fry
P.O. Box 606
Mitchellville, IA 50169
“Spark Plug” EMERGING LION Award
(District certificate and State award)”
February 15, 2025DG Gary Glockhoff
7610 Wistful Vista Dr #1102
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Each district will select a district
“Spark Plug” winner who will receive a certificate at the State Convention.
The State award winner will be
selected from the District winners.
February 28, 2025District winner will be selected and sent by February 28 to:
PID Ardie Klemish
1003 Hillcrest Dr
P.O. Bo 175
Anita, IA  50020